Kimberly Hart is chosen by Zordon to become the original Pink Mighty Morphin
Power Ranger.

Trini Kwan was chosen by Zordon to become the original Yellow Mighty Morphin
Power Ranger.

After being broken from an evil spell, Katherine Hillard is chosen by
Kimberly to replace her as the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

When Trini leaves to attend a peace conference in Switzerland, Aisha Campbell
is chosen by Zordon to replace her as the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Scorpina is the insect vixen that is summoned up by Rita Repulsa and is
married to Goldar.

After the Power Coins are destroyed, Katherine Hillard gets re-energized by
the power of the Zeo Crystal to become the Pink Zeo Power Ranger.

When time is misplaced, Tanya Sloan is chosen to take the power of the Zeo
Crystal and become the Yellow Zeo Power Ranger.

When the power of the Zeo Crystal wasn't powerful enough, Katherine Hillard
was upgraded to the Pink Turbo Power Ranger.

When the power of the Zeo Crystal wasn't powerful enough, Tanya Sloan was
upgraded to the Yellow Turbo Power Ranger.

When time calls for a younger generation to take over, Cassie Chan is chosen
by Katherine to replace her has the Pink Turbo Power Ranger.

When time calls for a younger generation to take over, Ashley Hammond is
chosen by Tanya to replace her as the Yellow Turbo Power Ranger.

Divatox is a vixen space pirate who isn't satisfied unless she gets exactly
what she wants.