Jen Scotts becomes the Pink Time Force Power Ranger to stop the evil Ransik
from conquering the 21st Century.
Katie Walker becomes the Yellow Time Force Power Ranger to stop the evil
Ransik from conquering the 21st Century.
Nadira is the beautiful daughter of the evil Ransik. She is a spoiled brat
and known for getting her way.
When Alyssa Enrile decided to go to college rather than follow in her
father's footsteps, she is chosen to by Princess Shayla to become the White
Wild Force Power Ranger.
When Taylor Earheart goes on a one of her missions as an air force pilot,
she finds the Animarium and is chosen by Princess Shayla to become the
Yellow Wild Force Power Ranger.
Princess Shayla was awaken from a three thousand year sleep to summon the
Wild Force Power Rangers to fight against the evil Orgs.
Toxica is the vixen of the dark and corrupt Orgs.. She has a lot of power in
her magical staff and has the power to make fallen Orgs grow.